

So, right now I'm in Idaho. That's right, good ol' potato country! Erin is from here, so we are usually out here a few times per year, visiting her folks (my new inlaws!) and this time is a special occasion!

Her folks are having a second wedding reception for us out here for all the people who couldn't make it out to San Diego for the wedding. We've been running around getting the place ready- I did my part this morning by mowing the lawns - on a riding mower! Yeah baby! Ok, so I totally feel like a city boy, getting all excited about this kind of thing, but hey- riding mowers are cool, ok?

I'd post a few pics that Erin shot while I was hard at work, but of all things, I forgot my card reader in SD. So you'll just have to wait a few days. So there.

We'll be here until Sunday, and then we are making the wonderful 14 hour drive back in what we hope will be a car full of presents! Wahoo!