
Stop and Hear the Music

I saw this yesterday, and I was absolutely stunned. Not because I couldn't believe it, but because it is hauntingly true of my life.

In an "experiment" by Washington Post writer Gene Weingarten, world-renowned violinist Josh Bell plays his violin in the Washington DC Subway during rush hour. He plays a piece regarded as one of the most beautiful compositions ever, and on one of the most valuable violins ever made.

And nobody stops to listen.

It bothers me that my life, and all our lives for that matter, are often so busy that we also wouldn't stop to listen, because we are so focused on what we are doing, so intent on being somewhere at a certain time for a certain reason that really has no ultimate purpose. Don't get me wrong, I know people were in a hurry to get to work, and work isn't something that you can generally be late to.

I'm just saying that sometimes we need to just stop, pause, and take in the beauty that is around us. Really, this world is a wonderfully beautiful place. I just think we should pay attention, and we'll be surprised to find beauty in some of the oddest places...

Here's the video: