
Snakes on a Plane!

Best movie ever! What more can I say?

Notice the date on the ticket. It says 8/17. The day before it came out. Advanced screening baby! Adam, Josh, Reuben and myself went and it so entertaining! You have to see it for yourself. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out the trailer here

A note about the picture: I took the picture of the ticket sitting on top of my wife's Shakespeare book "The Comedy of Errors" just to show how much more awesome Snakes on a Plane is than Shakespeare. Boo-yah.

I love you wifey:)

UPDATE: When my wife read this she said "What! How is that better than Shakespeare??!?" (she's a literature major). To which I responded, cleverly, I might add, "Because its on top of the book!" That's boo-yah #2 baby.