
Watching water boil...

Today at work, I was doing an experiment which required me to boil some water. Now, I didn't really have a lot to do today (if my boss is reading this, then "I was extremely busy") so I decided to just sit there and wait for the water to boil. I literally just watched it boil, which is something that I've never done before, nor do I plan on making it a habit.

But it really got me thinking. I feel like so much of the time I become so busy with all the "things" that I have to do throughout my day, that I forget to just take time out for me, just to sit quietly and wait. Routinely, I always feel like there is something that I could/should be doing, and as such I neglect the things that are most important.

I'm not saying that I never have fun, and that all I do is work. I'm just saying that sometimes, I just need to sit down, relax, and read a book, or write in my journal, or any number of things...do you ever feel that way? I think that's what I'm going to do right now.

I'm no scientist, but sometimes, I think we all just need to watch some water boil...