
Kissing Booth

At PartnerCon this year Kiss and ShowIt had a "Kissing Booth" set up, which was basically a sweet little photo booth. We DEFINITELY had a ton of fun! I think that there must have been thousands of shots taken over the course of the conference; I mean we are all photographers who LOVE taking tons of pictures!!!

Me and Stacy Cross, one of the most amazing photographers in all of Texas (Seriously, check her out, she's a-m-a-z-i-n-g! I'm not kidding, if you live in Texas, you need to have Stacy come shoot your wedding. And tell her to fly me out, too :)

Me and the wifey. Don't ask what the look in the first picture is all about...

Us and the gang from Shoot.Dot.Edit...you've got Jared, Bronson, Erin, John, and Me!

Ok, I have to go because I have a flight to Sacramento that leaves in an hour, I'm going to go shoot Scott & Bekah's wedding! See ya'll later (that one was for all my new Texas friends!)


Stefanie said...

you and erin are adorable. i don't think it is fair that you guys cut in line with adorable was being handed out. =)