
Labor Day...yes!

After a wonderful Saturday and Sunday, today is a day to relax, and I'm pumped! I'm reading "The Four Hour Work Week" and so far, it's really good! I'll give a full review once I'm done with it, since I like to read a book in it's entirety before deciding what I really think of it. Erin just went to grab the last Harry Potter book, and plans to read that today. We're going to be sitting by the pool with some friends, which is going to be great.

Weekend recap: Stacy & John's wedding on Saturday was AWESOME! Like I said earlier, we got to be guests, and we definitely enjoyed that! I've got some videos that I didn't know Erin was taking that I'll have to put up sometime soon, they're pretty funny. Words won't do them justice. (EDIT, videos posted at the end of this post!)

Sunday we met up with Kelly & Flip for their super-secret photo shoot (which turned out AMAZING, by the way) and did the shoot in 105 degree weather! It was SO HOT, but we had so much fun. I'll post up some favorites in the next day or two (is the suspense killing you?)

Flip and Kelly took us to this super-authentic mexican deli and we got a total of 20 tacos between the 5 of us, and they were incredible. I'm really glad that Flip was there with us because it was definitely the kind of place where most everybody was speaking Spanish, which incidentally, I'm not good at.

Then we headed down to Dana Point and spent some time napping under some trees, which was wonderful, and then we hit up Starbucks for some iced tea and had the remaining tacos before meeting up with Connie & Dave for their e-session. We had so much fun photographing them! Dave had gone to Dana Point a few days prior and had all the locations scouted out, and had it all planned out (I was in heaven) and we got some amazing shots. Here's a favorite, taken right before sunset outside the Ritz Carlton in Dana Point:


Anonymous said...

Jeff & Erin,
It was wonderful seeing both of you at the wedding. I had a blast with all you PLNU people. It was truly one of the most amazing days of my life.

Love you guys,
Robin (Mom#2)