
Look what came in the mail today?

I'm real excited, can you guess which of these three things came in the mail today? New toys are always fun :) Happy Friday, everyone! Tonight we're going to The Waterfront down in Little Italy, which is San Diego's oldest bar - definitely a cool spot. I'll be leaving the new lens and flash at home, though. I'll be sure to update you on my thoughts on the 580EXII as it compares to the older version in the next few days. The 50mm is super sweet, a really juicy lens if you ask me.


Stacy Cross said...

PLEASE tell me that B&H is now sending Mountain Dew with their orders?! That almost beats WHCC's blow pops! :)

ed pingol said...

i'm thinking of getting a 50mm too! not sure which one 1.4 or 1.2 hmmmm... how do you like yours so far?

oh, and dude! we need to shoot a wedding together. you look like you have fun at your weddings. = )
